SUBJ: QW 1.31 VHF-Contestprogram for IARU-Contests with IBM-PC with CW and Packet-Radio (realtime-logging) * * * P U B L I C D O M A I N * * * QW.EXE Version 1.31 News! ========================== Finding some ERRORs or givimg intensions for the PD-Version: Thanks to: DC5ON, DC9FW, DK9ZT, DL3BAA, DL4BAD Difference between QW 1.2 and QW 1.31: - removed a bug in the ODX-Display - changed classes to DARC-form (01 = 144 Mc, 02=144Mc, 03=432 Mc ...) - added the average distance per qso in the log-print - after SSB QSO 59 as new report, after CW QSO 599 as new report - added the CTRL-Y function - CTL-Y clears the QSO-Line - removed the bug about the RUNTIME-ERROR when you RESTART after booting a file with an unknown prefix - Label #3 is now ok If YOU are a new QW USER, or you're a V 1.2 user and YOU are interested in the update, then send 5,-DM in stamps or equivalent (please no IRC, green-stamps are o.k.) or send SASE with any disk (1st is easier to handle - for YOU and me !!!!!!) 73, Mario - DL4MFM - P.O.Box 1206, (W-)4512 Wallenhorst, Germany